Developing New Business for Life

First-Time Donor Campaign – The Blood Connection

No matter what the offering, new business is built on recognizing and mining your customer’s first-time experience. If you motivate a first-timer to return a second time, or even better, three times, you are well on your way toward developing a loyal customer for life. For over 5 years, West End Marketing Inc., the marketing agency of record for The Blood Connection, has directed and managed the Drum Creative support services team for TBC. During this time, Drum Creative has designed and produced all marketing graphic support materials, including donor communications, blood drive promotions, video productions, t-shirt designs, targeted variable imprint mailings, reward sourcing, and fulfillment.

The Download on Repeat Customers

When a first-time donor becomes eligible to donate a second time, an appointment reminder postcard is mailed, which features a customized music card with 5 song downloads. Upon the second donation, the custom 5-song music card is sent in a branded “Thank You” mailer. All promotional materials cross-reference The Blood Connection website and social networking programs. By the way, the website was designed and developed by Drum Creative.

Drink Up to Customer Retention

Two times is never enough. Eligible second-time donors receive an appointment reminder and the details concerning their third donation. Third-time donors received a Starbucks Coffee Card by mail.

Connecting with Your Customers for Life

Helping to keep our community blood supply flowing, is an ongoing process and a tremendous responsibility. Developing new programs, connecting with new donors, and maintaining relationships with existing donors are three ways we help create impact for our customers and build partnerships for life.