Deck The Walls

branding-on-entry-wallsPeople tend to associate graphic design with logos, brochures, websites, shirts, etc. However, graphic design can take on many forms, including walls and interior spaces. Recently, we were given the opportunity to work with one of our existing clients, Canal Insurance, to help them achieve some dreams they had of converting their office space design. They wanted to provide a wellness center for their employees and asked us to help them with some concepts and the overall environmental design.

graphic-design-weight-roomWe began with branding before we ever got to the actual building. What would this wellness center be called and what would its purpose be? We gave it a name, Full Sail. This name was chosen because it closely related to the actual company logo but it also spoke to the goal of the company, which was to provide their employees a way to live full lives through exercise and healthy living. In nautical terms, a full sail meant the ship could move in any desired direction and at a faster pace. In terms of wellness, it represents lives that are being lived to their fullest potential.

graphic-design-workout-gymOnce the name and purpose had been decided we began designing concepts for the actual interior spaces. We took the designations for each room and began designing images for the walls. We provided some 3-D concepts to show to the client and then we created the graphics and had them printed. We not only did the design work but researched quotes that could be used to go on each wall to add to the inspiration and direction of each room. It was a fun project. Drum Creative can help you Deck The Walls anytime you are looking to do some environmental graphics.