Stop Motion Animation Created With iPhone 4

We love this time of year when we get a chance to create holiday cards for our clients.

Sometimes a request may come in to create a holiday-themed video or animation. Check out this concept stop motion animation holiday card we made using an iPhone 4 to present to one of our clients. The photo above shows how Ben Moffett created a stand for the iPhone to keep it in place, and then he began to paint a 1.5″ x 1.5″ painting that was later added to a room scene. Come back in the next couple of weeks to see the final product, and who we did it for.

We love to think and create outside of the box. Maybe you have an idea for a creative design project and you are looking for someone to help you develop that idea and bring it to life. We would love to sit down with you and talk through that idea. We enjoy our work and believe that it shows in every creative design that we do. Check out our portfolio and contact us today.