Making A 30-Second Commercial That Creates Impact

Concept to Commercial

Let There Be Mom contacted us about doing a commercial for their upcoming Dine Out For Mom fundraiser. The challenge was to take the Let There Be Mom organization and the Dine Out For Mom campaign and explain them both visually and verbally within a 30-second commercial. After meeting with our client and listening to their goals for the commercial, we went to work. Our task? Create awareness. Create interests. Create impact.

The commercial needed to explain what Dine Out For Mom was and we needed to make it interesting enough that someone would take the time to watch it. We gathered our creative team and went to work writing our ideas on a large whiteboard and visualizing our thoughts. We decided to use a vector shape approach to keep the commercial simple and we branded it to the colors used by Let There Be Mom.


 Creating Commercial Appeal

Our first step was to create a storyboard. We used Adobe Illustrator and After Effects to create the general shapes we would be working with and placed them on a video timeline so they would appear in the commercial. We then scripted our audio content that would flow with the various visuals within the storyboard.

Once the script was written we added a musical soundtrack and, using our scripted content, made a test audio recording to work out the timing with our images. After a few tweaks to the script and rearranging the order of some of our storyboards, we were ready for the final recording. We used the actual client for the voiceover and using an iPhone and Final Cut Pro we recorded and edited the audio.The result was a 30-second commercial that was visually fun and verbally informative.


 Creating Community Impact

Our job is to help our clients create an impact that results in multiple points of further impact long after the first impression. However, there are times when creating impact goes way beyond our design efforts and we get to work for a non-profit organization like Let There Be Mom who impacts families within our community. They do this by assisting parents, diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, in leaving a legacy for their families.

Dine Out For Mom helps to support this endeavor by involving local food businesses in donating a percentage of their sales for one day in order to help these families. From creativity to campaign, to community, the impact starts with the design but can go way beyond in who that design touches. Drum Creative is proud to be the creative partner of Let There Be Mom and we all plan to join our community on October 24th by dining out for mom all day at a participating restaurant. Now let’s go grab a bite and, hopefully, we will have more than 30-seconds to eat it.


See the Dine Out For Mom video