How Video Marketing Can Boost Your SEO Efforts

Many businesses make the mistake of underutilizing video marketing. Most marketing companies don’t prioritize videos, and the few that do don’t give them the attention they deserve.

Most customers today want to be entertained. They prefer to watch personalized videos. According to a recent study by HubSpot, over 50% of consumers love to watch videos from businesses they support.

So, if you’re not using videos on your website, you’re losing potential customers to your competition. But that’s not all.

Videos can also tremendously boost your website’s SEO efforts. This could explain why, despite all your efforts in building links, creating great content, building a responsive website, and more, your competitors seem to always be one step ahead.

If you’re still unconvinced, here are three ways your competitors are using videos on their websites to beat your SEO strategies.

Search Engines Care About Videos

Search engines, like Google, value the quality of your content and its relevance. To evaluate these factors, Google looks at your text and other types of media.

If your website offers high-quality visuals like videos in addition to text, it means you’re informative. This increases your chances of ranking higher on SERPs (search engine results pages).

Video Generates Traffic

The amount of traffic you get is also an important factor in SEO. Search engines deduce that if you’re getting massive traffic, you must be informative, educative, and entertaining. And using video is a great way to get traffic.

According to a study published in Forbes, videos account for about 80% of all consumer internet traffic. And 64% of these visitors are more likely to buy a product or service online after watching a video.

Video Reduces Bounce Rates

Another factor that search engines consider when ranking a website is how long people stay. Businesses that get lots of traffic that leaves after a few seconds (high bounce rate) tend to rank low because it could be an indication of poor content.

But when you market your business using video, your chances of keeping your visitors online longer are high. Most people prefer to watch than to read. As such, you can improve your bounce rates and boost your ranking on Google and Bing.

Boost Your SEO Strategies Now

Using videos on your website can boost your other SEO strategies significantly. The catch is using great videos. We pride ourselves on helping you take your business to greater heights through SEO and video. Contact us today to start a conversation about your online marketing needs.